Human Resources 2008-09
Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Screening Questions
Does your institution have any part-time staff?
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be provided the screens to report part-time staff in the Employees by Assigned Position (EAP) section.
                                             Yes No
Do ALL of the instructional staff at your institution fall into any of the following categories?
If you answer Yes to any of the questions below, the Salaries section is NOT applicable to your institution and you will NOT be required to report data for the Salaries section.
  No Yes Are ALL of the instructional staff military personnel?
  No Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff contribute their services (e.g., members of a religious order)?
  No Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff teach pre-clinical or clinical medicine?
The completion of the Fall Staff section is optional this year as it is in even-numbered years.
Do you wish to complete the Fall Staff section this year?
If you answer No, screens to report Fall Staff data will not be displayed.
If you answer Yes, screens to report Fall Staff data will be displayed and you must complete ALL applicable Fall Staff screens.
No, I will not complete Fall Staff                                                                      
Yes, I will complete Fall Staff                                                                      
You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Screening Questions
Did your institution hire any full-time permanent staff who were included on the payroll of the institution between July 1 and October 31, 2008 either for the first time or after a break in service AND who were still on the payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2008? (Exclude persons who have returned from sabbatical leave OR full-time staff who are working less-than-9-month contracts/teaching periods and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service.)
If you answer Yes to this question and your institution has 15 or more full-time staff, you will be provided the screens to report full-time permanent new hires in the Fall Staff section (long version).
                                             Yes No

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011

Screening questions - Method of reporting race and ethnicity for this component
Race/ethnicity question
Which method of reporting race and ethnicity will you use for this component?
   NEW race/ethnicity categories (9 categories):
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  •     Nonresident alien
        American Indian or Alaska Native
        Black or African American
        Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
        Two or more races
        Race and ethnicity unknown
       OLD race/ethnicity categories (7 categories):
        Nonresident alien
        Black, non-Hispanic
        American Indian/Alaska Native
        Asian/Pacific Islander
        White, non-Hispanic
        Race and ethnicity unknown
       MIXTURE of new and old race/ethnicity categories (all 14 categories will show on each screen):
      NEW categories:
      Notes for NEW categories:
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  •     Hispanic/Latino
        American Indian or Alaska Native
        Black or African American
        Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
        Two or more races
      OLD categories:
        Black, non-Hispanic
        American Indian/Alaska Native
        Asian/Pacific Islander
        White, non-Hispanic
      Categories used in BOTH New and Old:
        Nonresident alien
        Race and ethnicity unknown

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part A - Employees by Assigned Position - Full-time staff
    Number of full-time staff by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity

    As of November 1, 2008
    Primary function/
    occupational activity
    (mutually exclusive categories)
    Faculty status
    Tenured On tenure track Not on
    tenure track/
    no tenure system
    Primarily instruction          343
    Instruction/research/public service          3
    Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  202  86  58  0  346
    Primarily research          34
    Primarily public service          0
    Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  204  88  88  0  380
    Executive/administrative/managerial          128
    Other professionals (support/service)          170
    Technical and paraprofessionals      72
    Clerical and secretarial      250
    Skilled crafts      65
    Service/Maintenance      99
    Total full time  212  88  88  776  1,164
    Total from prior year 209 72 104 752 1,137

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part B - Employees by Assigned Position - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity

    As of November 1, 2008
    Primary function/
    occupational activity
    (mutually exclusive categories)
    Faculty status Without
    Total Graduate assistants
    Tenured On tenure track Not on
    tenure track/
    no tenure system
    Primarily instruction          75  
    Instruction/research/public service          1  
    Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  0  0  76  0  76  260
    Primarily research          24  
    Primarily public service          0  
    Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  0  0  100  0  100  526
    Executive/administrative/managerial          3  
    Other professionals (support/service)          25  
    Technical and paraprofessionals      11  
    Clerical and secretarial      31  
    Skilled crafts      5  
    Service/Maintenance      63  
    Total part time  0  0  100  138  238  526
    Total from prior year 95 140 235 500

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part C - Employees by Assigned Position - Total number of staff
    Total number of staff by employment status and primary function/occupational activity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Primary function/occupational activity Full-time Full-time py Part-time Part-time py Graduate assistants Total including Graduate assistants
    Primarily instruction  343  330  75  74  245  663
    Instruction/research/public service  3  2  1    15  19
    Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  346  332  76  74  260  682
    Primarily research  34  45  24  21  262  320
    Primarily public service  0  1  0    4  4
    Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  380  378  100  95  526  1,006
    Executive/administrative/managerial  128  115  3  4  0  131
    Other professionals (support/service)  170  157  25  31  0  195
    Technical and paraprofessionals  72  83  11  9  0  83
    Clerical and secretarial  250  250  31  30  0  281
    Skilled crafts  65  64  5  3  0  70
    Service/Maintenance  99  90  63  63  0  162
    Grand total  1,164  1,137  238  235  526  1,928

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff by contract length/teaching period - Headcount
    Number of full-time instructional staff by contract length/teaching period, gender, and academic rank


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and academic rank
    Professors        112
    Associate professors        77
    Assistant professors        60
    Instructors        4
    Lecturers        24
    No academic rank        4
    Total men  1  257  23  281
    Professors        10
    Associate professors        13
    Assistant professors        26
    Instructors        6
    Lecturers        9
    No academic rank        1
    Total women  2  56  7  65
    Total (men + women)  3  313  30  346
    Total from EAP, full-time non-medical section
    (Primarily instruction +
    Instruction/research/public service lines)
    Total from prior year (Salaries section)  2  289  41  332

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Faculty status

    ****   Applicable to 4-year degree-granting institutions only   ****

    Number of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods by faculty status, gender, and academic rank

    As of November 1, 2008

    Gender and academic rank
    Faculty status
    Total from Part D
    (Headcount screen)


    On tenure track
    Not on
    tenure track/
    no tenure system
    Professors          98
    Associate Professors          76
    Assistant Professors          59
    Instructors          3
    Lecturers          21
    No academic rank          
    Total men  167  60  30  0  257
    Total men prior year  167  50  26  0  243
    Professors          8
    Associate Professors          11
    Assistant Professors          26
    Instructors          2
    Lecturers          8
    No academic rank          1
    Total women  19  26  11  0  56
    Total women prior year  15  20  11  0  46
    Total (men + women)  186  86  41  0  313

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Faculty status

    ****   Applicable to 4-year degree-granting institutions only   ****

    Number of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods by faculty status, gender, and academic rank

    As of November 1, 2008

    Gender and academic rank
    Faculty status
    Total from Part D
    (Headcount screen)


    On tenure track
    Not on
    tenure track/
    no tenure system
    Professors          14
    Associate Professors          1
    Assistant Professors          1
    Instructors          1
    Lecturers          3
    No academic rank          3
    Total men  13  0  10  0  23
    Total men prior year  13  0  17  0  30
    Professors          2
    Associate Professors          2
    Assistant Professors          
    Instructors          3
    No academic rank          
    Total women  3  0  4  0  7
    Total women prior year  1  1  9  0  11
    Total (men + women)  16  0  14  0  30

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part E - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary outlays
    Salaries of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods by gender and academic rank


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and academic rank
    Salary outlays
    Average salary
    Prior year
    Average salary
    Professors  98    111,748  104,299
    Associate professors  76    81,793  76,094
    Assistant professors  59    70,944  67,692
    Instructors  3    57,775  55,434
    Lecturers  21    50,549  56,031
    No academic rank        
    Total men  257  22,588,151    
    Professors  8    105,261  99,340
    Associate professors  11    78,483  66,611
    Assistant professors  26    71,630  66,589
    Instructors  2    52,509  50,335
    Lecturers  8    41,119  43,235
    No academic rank  1    38,345  37,228
    Total women  56  4,040,104    
    Total (men + women)  313  26,628,255    

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part E - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary outlays
    Salaries of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods by gender and academic rank

    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and academic rank Number Salary outlays Average salary Prior year
    Average salary
    Professors  14    118,138  112,948
    Associate professors  1    90,573  91,963
    Assistant professors  1    60,000  65,892
    Instructors  1    59,800  57,488
    Lecturers  3    64,377  38,799
    No academic rank  3    53,318  44,060
    Total men  23  2,217,391    
    Professors  2    144,995  140,018
    Associate professors  2    73,047  59,676
    Assistant professors        67,227
    Instructors  3    53,338  50,913
    Lecturers        42,580
    No academic rank        60,000
    Total women  7  596,097    
    Total (men + women)  30  2,813,488    

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part F - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Fringe benefits
    Fringe benefits of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods


    As of November 1, 2008

    Fringe benefits



    Prior year
    Average expenditures
    Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested within 5-years        
    Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested after 5-years      7,481  8,737
    Medical/dental plans      6,380  6,510
    Group life insurance      82  83
    Other insurance benefits (cafeteria plan, etc.)        
    Guaranteed disability income protection      232  228
    Tuition plan (dependents only)        
    Housing plan        
    Social Security taxes      6,116  5,917
    Unemployment compensation taxes      70  66
    Worker's compensation taxes      579  550
    Other benefits in kind with cash options        
    Total expenditures    6,489,192    

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part F - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Fringe benefits
    Fringe benefits of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods


    As of November 1, 2008

    Fringe benefits



    Prior year
    Average expenditures
    Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested within 5-years        
    Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested after 5-years      7,449  6,109
    Medical/dental plans      6,367  5,024
    Group life insurance      80  60
    Other insurance benefits (cafeteria plan, etc.)        
    Guaranteed disability income protection      260  187
    Tuition plan (dependents only)        
    Housing plan        
    Social Security taxes      6,164  5,053
    Unemployment compensation taxes      78  59
    Worker's compensation taxes      638  494
    Other benefits in kind with cash options        
    Total expenditures    631,104    

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Tenured
    Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are Tenured and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              8
    Black, non-Hispanic              2
    American Indian/Alaska Native              0
    Asian/Pacific Islander              33
    Hispanic              3
    White, non-Hispanic              136
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total men  110  72  0  0  0  0  182
    Nonresident alien              0
    Black, non-Hispanic              1
    American Indian/Alaska
    Asian/Pacific Islander              2
    Hispanic              0
    White, non-Hispanic              19
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  10  12  0  0  0  0  22
    Total (men+women)  120  84  0  0  0  0  204
    Total from EAP    204

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - On tenure track
    Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are On tenure track and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              16
    Black, non-Hispanic              1
    American Indian/Alaska Native              0
    Asian/Pacific Islander              13
    Hispanic              2
    White, non-Hispanic              29
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total men  0  5  56  0  0  0  61
    Nonresident alien              8
    Black, non-Hispanic              0
    American Indian/Alaska Native              0
    Asian/Pacific Islander              4
    Hispanic              1
    White, non-Hispanic              14
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  0  0  27  0  0  0  27
    Total (men+women)  0  5  83  0  0  0  88
    Total from EAP    88

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Not on tenure track/no tenure system
    Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are Not on tenure track and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service OR number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service and who work at an institution with No tenure system by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              23
    Black, non-Hispanic              0
    American Indian/Alaska Native              0
    Asian/Pacific Islander              3
    Hispanic              0
    White, non-Hispanic              39
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total men  3  4  7  4  29  18  65
    Nonresident alien              5
    Black, non-Hispanic              0
    American Indian/Alaska Native              0
    Asian/Pacific Islander              0
    Hispanic              0
    White, non-Hispanic              18
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  0  1  2  6  10  4  23
    Total (men+women)  3  5  9  10  39  22  88
    Total from EAP    88

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Without faculty status
    Number of full-time staff Without faculty status whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by gender and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity Total
    Nonresident alien  
    Black, non-Hispanic  
    American Indian/Alaska
    Asian/Pacific Islander  
    White, non-Hispanic  
    Race and ethnicity unknown  
    Total men  0
    Nonresident alien  
    Black, non-Hispanic  
    American Indian/Alaska Native  
    Asian/Pacific Islander  
    White, non-Hispanic  
    Race and ethnicity unknown  
    Total women  0
    Total (men+women)  0
    Total from EAP  0

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Totals
    Total number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by gender and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
      Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident alien  47  13  60
    Black, non-Hispanic  3  1  4
    American Indian/Alaska Native  0  0  0
    Asian/Pacific Islander  49  6  55
    Hispanic  5  1  6
    White, non-Hispanic  204  51  255
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0
    Total (must equal Part H (next part))  308  72  380

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part H - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff by contract length/teaching period - Headcount
    Number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by contract length/teaching period, gender, and race/ethnicity


    (Include all staff from these functions, including those with and without faculty status.)


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Total from
    Part G
    Nonresident Alien        47  47
    Black, non-Hispanic        3  3
    American Indian/Alaska Native        0  0
    Asian/Pacific Islander        49  49
    Hispanic        5  5
    White, non-Hispanic        204  204
    Race/ethnicity unknown        0  0
    Total men  1  260  47  308  308
    Nonresident Alien        13  13
    Black, non-Hispanic        1  1
    American Indian/Alaska Native        0  0
    Asian/Pacific Islander        6  6
    Hispanic        1  1
    White, non-Hispanic        51  51
    Race/ethnicity unknown        0  0
    Total women  2  57  13  72  72
    Total (men+women)  3  317  60  380  380
    Total from EAP    380  
    Total (men+women) from Fall 2007  2  296  80    

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part H - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    (Include all staff from these functions, including those with and without faculty status.)


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above Total from
    Part H (Headcount screen)
    Nonresident Alien                27
    Black, non-Hispanic                3
    American Indian/Alaska Native                0
    Asian/Pacific Islander                46
    Hispanic                5
    White, non-Hispanic                179
    Race/ethnicity unknown                0
    Total men  0  7  5  36  70  70  72  260
    Nonresident alien                9
    Black, non-Hispanic                1
    American Indian/Alaska Native                0
    Asian/Pacific Islander                6
    Hispanic                1
    White, non-Hispanic                40
    Race/ethnicity unknown                0
    Total women  0  6  2  13  18  12  6  57
    Total (men+women)  0  13  7  49  88  82  78  317

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part H - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    (Include all staff from these functions, including those with and without faculty status.)


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above Total from
    Part H (Headcount screen)
    Nonresident alien                19
    Black, non-Hispanic                0
    American Indian/Alaska Native                0
    Asian/Pacific Islander                3
    Hispanic                0
    White, non-Hispanic                25
    Race and ethnicity unknown                0
    Total men  0  13  5  9  3  6  11  47
    Nonresident alien                4
    Black, non-Hispanic                0
    American Indian/Alaska Native                0
    Asian/Pacific Islander                0
    Hispanic                0
    White, non-Hispanic                9
    Race and ethnicity unknown                0
    Total women  2  1  4  2  2  0  2  13
    Total (men+women)  2  14  9  11  5  6  13  60

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time executive/administrative/managerial staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time executive/administrative/managerial staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above
    Nonresident alien                1
    Black, non-Hispanic                4
    American Indian/Alaska Native                0
    Asian/Pacific Islander                3
    Hispanic                1
    White, non-Hispanic                61
    Race and ethnicity unknown                0
    Total men  1  8  7  15  11  13  15  70
    Nonresident alien                0
    Black, non-Hispanic                3
    American Indian/Alaska Native                1
    Asian/Pacific Islander                0
    Hispanic                2
    White, non-Hispanic                52
    Race and ethnicity unknown                0
    Total women  2  1  15  20  9  5  6  58
    Total (men+women)  3  9  22  35  20  18  21  128

    Total from EAP

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time other professional (support/service) staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time other professional (support/service) staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above
    Nonresident alien                2
    Black, non-Hispanic                5
    American Indian/Alaska Native                0
    Asian/Pacific Islander                1
    Hispanic                1
    White, non-Hispanic                71
    Race and ethnicity unknown                0
    Total men  2  20  26  25  7  0  0  80
    Nonresident alien                2
    Black, non-Hispanic                2
    American Indian/Alaska Native                1
    Asian/Pacific Islander                5
    Hispanic                0
    White, non-Hispanic                80
    Race and ethnicity unknown                0
    Total women  11  29  26  19  5  0  0  90
    Total (men+women)  13  49  52  44  12  0  0  170

    Total from EAP

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time technical and paraprofessional staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time technical and paraprofessional staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008

    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above
    Nonresident alien            0
    Black, non-Hispanic            0
    American Indian/Alaska Native            0
    Asian/Pacific Islander            0
    Hispanic            1
    White, non-Hispanic            48
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total men  1  8  20  14  6  49
    Nonresident alien            0
    Black, non-Hispanic            0
    American Indian/Alaska Native            0
    Asian/Pacific Islander            0
    Hispanic            0
    White, non-Hispanic            23
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total women  1  15  5  2  0  23
    Total (men+women)  2  23  25  16  6  72

    Total from EAP

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time clerical and secretarial staff- Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time clerical and secretarial staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008

    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above Total
    Nonresident alien            2
    Black, non-Hispanic            1
    American Indian/Alaska Native            0
    Asian/Pacific Islander            0
    Hispanic            0
    White, non-Hispanic            7
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total men  2  8  0  0  0  10
    Nonresident alien            0
    Black, non-Hispanic            2
    American Indian/Alaska Native            1
    Asian/Pacific Islander            2
    Hispanic            1
    White, non-Hispanic            234
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total women  28  143  59  6  4  240
    Total (men+women)  30  151  59  6  4  250

    Total from EAP

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time skilled crafts staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time skilled crafts staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008

    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above
    Nonresident alien            0
    Black, non-Hispanic            2
    American Indian/Alaska Native            2
    Asian/Pacific Islander            0
    Hispanic            0
    White, non-Hispanic            60
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total men  0  3  31  29  1  64
    Nonresident alien            0
    Black, non-Hispanic            0
    American Indian/Alaska Native            0
    Asian/Pacific Islander            0
    Hispanic            0
    White, non-Hispanic            1
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total women  0  0  1  0  0  1
    Total (men+women)  0  3  32  29  1  65

    Total from EAP

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time service/maintenance staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time service/maintenance staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008


    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above
    Nonresident alien            0
    Black, non-Hispanic            4
    American Indian/Alaska Native            2
    Asian/Pacific Islander            1
    Hispanic            0
    White, non-Hispanic            54
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total men  3  55  1  2  0  61
    Nonresident alien            0
    Black, non-Hispanic            3
    American Indian/Alaska Native            3
    Asian/Pacific Islander            0
    Hispanic            0
    White, non-Hispanic            32
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total women  1  36  1  0  0  38
    Total (men+women)  4  91  2  2  0  99

    Total from EAP

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time staff (excluding instruction/research/public service staff) - Totals
    Total number of full-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity Executive/ administrative/ managerial Other professionals (support/service)
    Technical and paraprofessionals
    Clerical and secretarial
    Skilled crafts

    Service/ Maintenance

    Nonresident alien  1  2  0  2  0  0  5
    Black, non-Hispanic  4  5  0  1  2  4  16
    American Indian/Alaska Native  0  0  0  0  2  2  4
    Asian/Pacific Islander  3  1  0  0  0  1  5
    Hispanic  1  1  1  0  0  0  3
    White, non-Hispanic  61  71  48  7  60  54  301
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total men  70  80  49  10  64  61  334
    Nonresident alien  0  2  0  0  0  0  2
    Black, non-Hispanic  3  2  0  2  0  3  10
    American Indian/Alaska Native  1  1  0  1  0  3  6
    Asian/Pacific Islander  0  5  0  2  0  0  7
    Hispanic  2  0  0  1  0  0  3
    White, non-Hispanic  52  80  23  234  1  32  422
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total women  58  90  23  240  1  38  450
    Total (men+women)  128  170  72  250  65  99  784
    Total from EAP  128  170  72  250  65  99  

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011

    Part J - Fall Staff - Part-time professional staff
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008

    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Staff whose primary
    responsibility is
    instruction, research,
    and/or public service


    Other professionals
    Nonresident alien      
    Black, non-Hispanic      
    American Indian/Alaska Native      
    Asian/Pacific Islander      
    White, non-Hispanic      
    Race and ethnicity unknown      
    Total men  69  2  7
    Nonresident alien      
    Black, non-Hispanic      
    American Indian/ Alaska Native      
    Asian/Pacific Islander      
    White, non-Hispanic      
    Race and ethnicity unknown      
    Total women  31  1  18
    Total (men+women)  100  3  25
    Total from EAP  100  3  25

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Part-time non-professional staff
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008

    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Technical and
    Clerical and

    Skilled crafts
    Nonresident alien        
    Black, non-Hispanic        
    American Indian/Alaska Native        
    Asian/Pacific Islander        
    White, non-Hispanic        
    Race and ethnicity unknown        
    Total men  3  6  5  36
    Nonresident alien        
    Black, non-Hispanic        
    American Indian/Alaska Native        
    Asian/Pacific Islander        
    White, non-Hispanic        
    Race and ethnicity unknown        
    Total women  8  25  0  27
    Total (men+women)  11  31  5  63
    Total from EAP  11  31  5  63

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Graduate assistants and part-time staff totals
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity
    Graduate assistants
    Part-time total
    Nonresident alien  16    264
    Black, non-Hispanic  2    10
    American Indian/Alaska Native  0    0
    Asian/Pacific Islander  8    13
    Hispanic  1    2
    White, non-Hispanic  101    233
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0    0
    Total men  128  394  522
    Nonresident alien  4    95
    Black, non-Hispanic  1    1
    American Indian/ Alaska Native  0    0
    Asian/Pacific Islander  8    10
    Hispanic  0    0
    White, non-Hispanic  97    136
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0    0
    Total women  110  132  242
    Total (men+women)  238  526  764
    Total from EAP    526  

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part K - Fall Staff - Total number of staff
    Total number of staff by employment status, gender, and race/ethnicity


    As of November 1, 2008
    Gender and race/ethnicity Full-time men Full-time women Part-time men Part-time women Total men Total women
    Nonresident alien  52  15  264  95  316  110
    Black, non-Hispanic  19  11  10  1  29  12
    American Indian/Alaska Native  4  6  0  0  4  6
    Asian/Pacific Islander  54  13  13  10  67  23
    Hispanic  8  4  2  0  10  4
    White, non-Hispanic  505  473  233  136  738  609
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Grand total  642  522  522  242  1,164  764

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Faculty status
    Number of full-time permanent new hires whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by faculty status, gender, and race/ethnicity


    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2008 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2008)
    Gender and race/ethnicity Faculty status Without
    Tenured On tenure track Not on tenure track/
    no tenure system
    Nonresident alien          12
    Black, non-Hispanic          0
    American Indian/Alaska Native          0
    Asian/Pacific Islander          1
    Hispanic          1
    White, non-Hispanic          10
    Race and ethnicity unknown          0
    Total men  1  10  13  0  24
    Nonresident alien          4
    Black, non-Hispanic          0
    American Indian/Alaska Native          0
    Asian/Pacific Islander          1
    Hispanic          1
    White, non-Hispanic          7
    Race and ethnicity unknown          0
    Total women  1  9  3  0  13
    Total (men+women)  2  19  16  0  37

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Full-time staff by position
    Number of full-time permanent new hires by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity


    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2008 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2008)</)< b>

    Gender and race/ethnicity




    Nonresident alien              1
    Black, non-Hispanic              0
    American Indian/Alaska Native              0
    Asian/Pacific Islander              0
    Hispanic              0
    White, non-Hispanic              12
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total men  1  5  1  1  4  1  13
    Nonresident alien              0
    Black, non-Hispanic              0
    American Indian/Alaska Native              0
    Asian/Pacific Islander              2
    Hispanic              0
    White, non-Hispanic              27
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  1  7  3  18  0  0  29
    Total (men+women)  2  12  4  19  4  1  42

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Totals
    Total number of full-time permanent new hires by gender and race/ethnicity

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2008 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2008)</)< b>


      Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident alien  13  4  17
    Black, non-Hispanic  0  0  0
    American Indian/Alaska Native  0  0  0
    Asian/Pacific Islander  1  3  4
    Hispanic  1  1  2
    White, non-Hispanic  22  34  56
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0
    Grand total  37  42  79

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Human Resources Survey Evaluation
    Were any staff members difficult to categorize? If so, please explain in the box below.

    Institution:  Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411) User ID:  29C0011
    Explanation Report
    Number Source Location Description Severity Accepted
    Screen: Headcount
    1 Row 25
    Column 2
    Upload File The number entered, 3, has an expected range of between 2 and 2. Please explain this difference. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Due to the baseline from Fall 2007 being a low amount, a slight or modest increase over the year will be over the expected 25% range.
    Global Edits
    2   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12 month contracts 64377, is not within the expected range between 31040 and 46558. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Increase in average is due to a loss of 3 lower paid men Lecturers over the year.
    3   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12 month contracts 53318, is not within the expected range between 35248 and 52872. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Increase in average is due to a loss of 3 lower paid men with no academic rank over the year.
    4   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12 month contracts 73047, is not within the expected range between 47741 and 71611. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Increase in average is due to the gain of 1 higher paid women Associate professor over the year.
    5   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12 month contracts 0, is not within the expected range between 53782 and 80672. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: There a no 11/12-month women Assistant professors to report this year.
    6   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12 month contracts 0, is not within the expected range between 34064 and 51096. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: There a no 11/12-month women Lectures to report this year.
    7   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12 month contracts 0, is not within the expected range between 48000 and 72000. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: There a no 11/12-month women with no academic rank to report this year.
    Global Edits
    8   Perform Edits The average expenditure for one of benefits in 11/12 month contracts 80, is not within the expected range between 42 and 78. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Significant increase is tied to salary increases associated with faculty promotions.
    9   Perform Edits The average expenditure for one of benefits in 11/12 month contracts 260, is not within the expected range between 131 and 243. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Significant increase is tied to salary increases associated with faculty promotions.
    10   Perform Edits The average expenditure for one of benefits in 11/12 month contracts 78, is not within the expected range between 42 and 76. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Significant increase is tied to salary increases associated with faculty promotions.
    Screen: Faculty Status 11/12 mo
    11 Row 37
    Column 5
    Upload File The number entered, 0, has an expected range of between 1 and 30. Please explain this difference. Explanation Yes
    Reason: There are no 11/12-month women on tenure track to report this year.
    Global Edits
    12   Perform Edits The total number of employees in EAP for full-time primarily public service entered, 0, has an expected range of between 1 and 30. Please explain this difference. Explanation Yes
    Reason: There are no full-time primarily public service faculty to report this year.