ࡱ> ?B>a Lbjbjzz >$P\P\ > > 8,.0BB(jjj0000000$2f5r;0;0jj4P0^jj00u""jwƥP|"0f000",5xB5""\5# ;0;0$05> > |: Project Design Stewart Hall Renovation MU At the October 2015 meeting, the Board approved the $18,000,000 Stewart Hall Renovation project to be funded from $12,530,236 in a State Appropriation, $5,000,000 UM Central Bank Funds, and $469,764 in Campus Facility Funds. Additionally, at the October 2015 meeting, the Board approved employing PWArchitects, Columbia, Missouri, as the project architect. Originally constructed in 1912, Stewart Hall is a 3-story, 44,582 gross square feet (GSF) building, located just east of the Memorial Union on the White Campus, centrally located near other STEM facilities. The building primarily provides space for the Biological Sciences class laboratories, the Geography Department class laboratories and work space, and has a campus-wide scheduled 150-seat auditorium. More than 8,000 students are enrolled in classes each year in this building. The facility has had piecemeal renovations through the years, has inadequate space for teaching and teaching laboratories, infrastructure systems are old and obsolete, and does not meet current codes and standards. The building has more than $6.3 million in facilities needs with a Facilities Condition Needs Index (FCNI) of 0.46. The project will provide for a complete renovation of Stewart Hall, including the addition of two new vertical circulation enclosures and accessible entrances to the building to provide required egress. The architecture of these additions will be consistent with the White Campus. The renovation will develop spaces that maximize flexibility to respond to pedagogical changes over time and provide an additional 44 class lab seats for a total of 248 class lab seats in Stewart Hall. Repairs will be made to the building envelope as needed. Restrooms, entrances, and other building components will be replaced throughout to meet current accessibility requirements. Building systems including, mechanical, plumbing, fire suppression, electrical, data, and fire alarm systems will be replaced. The project will be designed with an additive alternate classroom addition. If accepted, this alternate would add 144 class lab seats to Stewart Hall. The renovated rooms will provide flexibility to reconfigure the classroom orientation for the most effective teaching/learning style, improve technology to help students view hands-on demonstrations and a more collaborative learning environment. The Geography Department space will be moved to the top floor of Stewart Hall with enhanced technology and more efficient space utilization. The exterior design of the two new vertical circulation enclosure additions respects the architecture of the White Campus and incorporates stewardship building renovation goals of quality detailing and materials for a maintainable facility. The construction cost for the renovation is estimated at $236/GSF and is expected to be completed in December 2017. Site plan, floor plans, and renderings of the design concept are attached.     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