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This authorization covers the Business Services Offices at the campus and system level.

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  1. Leases, Contracts, And Agreements (Non-Real Estate)
  2. Room Application Records
  3. Liability Waivers



1. Leases, Contracts, And Agreements (Non-Real Estate)

This records group includes, but not limited to, copies of documents such as leases, contracts and agreements (with related or backup documentation and correspondence) entered into between the University and parties outside the University.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for five (5) years after the end of the lease, contract or agreement, and then destroy.

NOTE: This authorization does not apply to leases, contracts and agreement records retained by the Procurement Offices as they have their own Records Retention Authorization, 41-112, covering the bid or formal contract documents.


2. Room Application Records

These records consist of applications for use of University buildings or rooms by student or other University affiliated organizations and departments. Information included as part of the application includes, but not limited to, name of organization or department, contact person, address, phone numbers, date and time building or room is needed, etc.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for one (1) year after year of request, and then destroy.


3. Liability Waivers

These records include sample waiver language used to produce activity consent/liability waiver forms and the signed waiver forms used for University sponsored events. In most cases the signed liability waiver forms are retained by the department sponsoring the event.

Authorized Retention:

A. Retain sample waiver language document until superseded or for two (2) years, whichever is longer, then destroy.

B. Adult Participants (eighteen (18) years old or older) - retain signed waiver forms for five (5) years after date of event, then destroy.

C. Minor Participants (under eighteen (18) years old) - retain signed waiver forms for twenty- three (23) years after date of event, then destroy.

NOTE: A parent or guardian must sign for minors when under eighteen (18) years of age.


MO Statute 516-110

This authorization supersedes Records Retention Authorizations 75-9, 81-19, (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 12), 81-20, and 82-09.

Reviewed 2023-03-16